Felderstein Fitzgerald Willoughby Pascuzzi & Rios LLP
Felderstein Fitzgerald Willoughby Pascuzzi & Rios LLP ("FFWP") provides online access to selected filings in certain active bankruptcy cases so that creditors and parties in interest who are not registered "Pacer" users (see below) may still have convenient online access to FFWP pleadings during the pendency of a case.
To access this file server, click on the following web address: https://ffwplaw.sharefile.com/login.aspx
The login information for FFWPR's file storage server is in italics below:
Username: cases@ffwplaw.com
Password: FFWPRlaw!Password1
Once logged in, click on the folder of the case whose pleadings you would like to review.
Please note that not all pleadings filed by FFWP are uploaded onto FFWP's server, but those pleadings are available by registering for and logging into the bankruptcy court's "Pacer" file storage service. For information on how to register for Pacer, please go to the Court website where the case is pending and search for Pacer information, or you can click on the following Web address: https://www.pacer.gov/